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About Blaine


Blaine and his wife Cynthia Kersey live on 11 acres on Whidbey Island near Seattle with a herd of deer, numerous eagles and a spectacular view of the Salish Sea. They have three wonderful children, four absolutely amazing and spectacular grandchildren, and two of the most entertaining and loving Pomeranians.



Leadership and Executive Coach
Best Selling Author
Apple TV Co-Host
Keynote Speaker





Leadership, fishing, quantum physics, metaphysics, philosophy, and life


Pacific Northwest and the Amalfi Coast of Italy



“It’s already happened…I just haven’t arrived yet!”

Blaine is President and CEO of Avatar Resources, Inc., a consulting firm he founded in 1987. The firm has affiliate offices in four countries. He has served clients in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and the United States. While living in Japan in the early 1980’s, he managed the business and international consulting division of one of the largest and most successful Human Resource Development and Consulting organizations in Asia. He is also Founder of the Institute for Compassionate Capitalism, a Managing Director of the Global Coaching Alliance, an Adjunct Professor at China’s Beijing University, Dean of Education at the World Business Academy, and a member of the teaching faculty at the American Association for Physician Leadership. In addition to his professional responsibilities, he’s an avid fly fisherman and a hopelessly optimistic golfer whose handicap is that he plays the game.

Considered a major innovative voice in the areas of leadership development, organizational development, and change management, Blaine has been a guest lecturer on Enterprise Leadership Development at China’s prestigious Tsing Hua University, a featured speaker at numerous World Congresses of the Junior Chamber International, a featured speaker at the World Congress of Human Resource Management, and was a core panel member of the World Consortium for Research and Development of Training. He currently sits on the Board of Directors of the World Business Academy and the the LA based Unstoppable Foundation as well as the Advisory Boards of the Tokyo based All Nippon Management Coaching Association and the Asia Coaching and Mentoring Association based in Beijing.

Blaine is certified as an executive and organizational coach and is also certified as a Master Somatic Coach. He’s an active member of the Transformational Leadership Council – an international group of transformational CEOs, thought leaders, writers, humanitarians, film producers and educators, and is also a founding member of the Business Alliance for the Future. In 2012, he was formally invested as a Knight of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta, the world’s oldest humanitarian organization.

Blaine is also the Chief Mentor of the Centre for Infinite Riches® and is fondly referred to as Grandmaster B2  in that context. The Centre is a social enterprise based in London, England with a global presence, and purpose to Uplift Humanity.







Blaine’s first book, Discover Your Inner Strength is an anthology collaboration with co-authors Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard and Brian Tracy.

His second book, Three Dimensional Coaching: Passion into Performance was published in 2013 and translated into Chinese and Japanese in 2015.

His third book is Compassionate Capitalism: A Journey To The Soul Of Business. It is a #1 International Best Seller in multiple categories.

His fourth book is an E-Book, Tapping into the Soul of Business: The Key to Employee Engagement, published in 2019.

Blaine’s latest book, Leadership Mindset Weekly, 52 Weekly Practices To Transform Your Leadership Mindset, is available in eBook and paperback formats.

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During almost four decades, Blaine has consulted worldwide with executives, companies, and governments and has personally delivered training programs to almost 300,000 individuals and has impacted close to a million people.

The list of the clients with whom he’s recently worked includes some of the largest organizations in Europe, Asia, and the United States as well as a number of mid-size and start up organizations. These include: Swedish Neurological Institute, Texas Health Resources, AstraZeneca, Starbucks, Wells Fargo, Healthways, Coldwater Creek, Memorial Health Care, IDEO, Nokia, AT&T Wireless, Microsoft, United Systems Integrators (a Johnson Controls company), Gap, T-Mobile, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA), Huhtamaki (Finland), Japan Creative Education Institute, Fazer Group (Finland), Petroleos de Venezuela, the World Bank, 20th Century Fox, and the Government of Zambia.